Offline Air Leakage Survey

Offline leakage audit allows to the customers save money in the energy consumption and CO2 emissions. In the first quarter of 2023, our teams have detected more than 3,500 leaks in our clients’ facilities, which represent a cost for them of more than €2.8 million and annual emissions of 2,500 t CO2e

Project description and objectives

CompCare, a Rubix UK company, audited a major food company’s compressed air systems at two of its large production facilities. Data loggers were installed to calculate compressed air and energy usage and quantify potential energy savings that could be achieved through system improvements

  • The client wants to optimize the efficiency, performance of their compress air system of the plant

Proposed solution

Using a data-driven approach, CompCare recommended and implemented several changes to deliver efficiency gains, including combining two systems to create a single system; reducing system air pressure; installing an intelligent control system to better match air supply and demand; and upgrading compressor equipment to more efficient models

Cost saving

Across the two sites, efficiency improvements implemented by CompCare reduced annual energy consumption by 17% and related costs by around £140,000, delivering a return on investment within 18 months.


What is Rubix Condition Monitoring Portal?

The Rubix Condition Monitoring Portal is the single access point for Condition Monitoring Rubix customers, through which they can access multiple services on a single platform. This platform helps Rubix customers to have fast and simple access on a single platform and improve access to information and services.

How to sign up for Rubix Condition Monitoring Solutions?

For access to Rubix Condition Monitoring Portal, for any of the services, you should have received an invitation link from Rubix Condition Monitoring Support account, if you still don’t have the invitation link, please create a ticket in ‘Contact us’ section with your request and somebody from Support will contact you.

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